Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, April 7, 2023
Live in the Grace of the Holy Spirit and the Merciful Love of Jesus the Good Shepherd
Message of Our Lady to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on April 5, 2023

The Virgin Mary appears dressed all in white. After making the Sign of the Cross She said,
"Praised be the Name of Jesus. Dear children, I urge you to pray My Beloved Rosary intensely in your families, in your homes. I urge you to renew your consecration to My Motherly and Immaculate Heart. Live in the grace of the Holy Spirit and the Merciful Love of Jesus the Good Shepherd. Offer your souls to Jesus. Offer yourselves totally to Jesus Crucified. Be renewed in the Spirit of God. I bless all the candles brought, by the light of which you will pray in the month of May from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. (Hour during which the Virgin remained alone after Jesus' death), the month consecrated to Me. I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
Before disappearing, She urges us to bring olive oil, which She will bless, through the anointing of which, we can ask for graces of healing and deliverance.
Prayer to the Merciful and Clement Mother:
Holy Virgin forgive us our sins, bless us, deliver us from all temptation and evil. Give us peace of heart and the grace of true conversion. If we go astray recover us. If we err correct us. Enlighten us with the Light of Your Most Pure Heart, which is the Light of the Holy Spirit. Give new possibilities for conversion and graces to those who invoke You and seek help, healing, deliverance and peace. Do not abandon us to the despair of the present moment. Make us overcome the dark night of the soul that no longer feels God and seeks something else to fill the inner void. Lead us to Jesus Eucharist. Free us from all distractions, confusion, obsession and inner and physical sickness. Purify our whole being and conform it to Christ the Good Shepherd. Make us attentive to Your Motherly Calls and make us rediscover fraternal charity, silence and true faith in Jesus the Savior. Make us remain faithful to the Magisterium of the True Church and pray Your Rosary every day. Thou knowest that all men sin. Have mercy and mercy on us all. Use mercy and clemency toward those who fall, toward those who go astray and seek the light of Gospel truth, Help of the world. Deliver us from the Evil One, from his evil plots, from his terrible seductions and illusions. Give all people peace and salvation in Jesus Prince of Peace, King of Nations. The Alpha and the Omega. Amen.
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of the blessed Virgin Mary
Source: ➥